#ESPTwiminars: #ESPTwiminar6.1 #ProjectManagement – Follow and respond to tweets with #lessonslearned, insights, process. #EdTech
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 1, 2015
Follow the series of tweets, respond/participate in the discussion; claim your badge for participation.#ProjectManagementTwiminar
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 1, 2015
#ProjectManagement: #Lessonslearned about project management in education organizations; local, state, and federal #educationagencies.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 1, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.2: 90% of #EdTech #ProjectSuccess is based on effective communications, relationships, and interactions. #ProjectManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
Effective communication across the project team, technical staff, and administrators strengthens how the project is publicly communicated.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#ScopeAgreement is the basis for #ProjectTrust, #Consistency, and #Quality.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#ProjectManagement: Succinct and dependable communications are based on trust and a strong #CommunicationsPlan. #PMI #PMBOK #Stakeholders
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.3: Work to develop trust among all #EdTech #ProjectStakeholders. #stakeholder #buyin #PMI #PMBOK
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#ProjectManagement for an #EdTech project is different. It requires a combination of #PMI and insights into how #educationagencies work.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#EdTech #stakeholders are #SEA and #LEA staff, #schoolboards, #public, #electedofficials, & #regionallearningcenters. #ProjectManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#EdTech practitioners must contend with the unique convergence of government contracting, #privacylaws, politics, and funding cycles.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#AdvisoryGroups are the key to #requirements gathering and #scopeagreement. #ProjectManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
The #StatementofWork provides clear #requirements and creates agreement of what is to be delivered and how #milestones are to be met.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 2, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.4: The #StatementofWork is crucial to the #agreement on and meeting of #EdTech #milestones. #SOW #PMI #PMBOK
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagement: Upfront agreement to the specifics of #deliverables and their acceptance criteria is a key to #projectsuccess.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Client #deliverable #review and #feedback must occur in an agreed upon timeframe. #Schedule #Risk #Execution
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
ProjectManagementTwiminar: #Document #AcceptanceCriteria so that deliverable approval is not questioned. #EdTech #QualityProjectManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.5: #EdTech #ProjectManagement results and success are only as good as the #planning #methodology undertaken. #PMI #PMBOK
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagement methodologies must vary for #education organizations. #EdTech
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
ProjectManagementTwiminar: Follow standard #ProjectManagement processes, and apply them to the needs of government and education. #PMI
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
State and local education agencies are strong at #planning, yet would benefit from efficient and consistent project management structure.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
ProjectManagementTwiminar: A specific #ScopeOfWork with clear #deliverables is essential to #projectsuccess. #SOW #StatementofWork
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.6: Just as #education is a process, so is the way we must manage #EdTech projects. #PMI #PMBOK
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagement: As projects grow and become more complex, formal #managementprocesses and techniques become more essential.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagement: Project processes are the lesson plan. Detailed steps to attain goals that ultimately lead to success.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.7: Develop and adhere to a #projectplan that details specific and agreed upon #EdTech #Deliverables. #ProjectControl #PMI
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagement: The #projectplan is the documented #process to follow; the overarching #guide to completing the work correctly.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: When #schedules are created, vetted, and enacted, milestones will be clear and easy to follow. #ProjectControl
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ProjectManagement: Detailed #deliverables are an effective #methodology for managing #stakeholder #expectations and achieving goals.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 6, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.8: Adherence to #agendas, status reports, #actionitems & tracking of #issues & #risks proportionately creates #projectsuccess.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Solid #methodology and fidelity to project management #processes ensures #projectsuccess. #PMI #PMBOK
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: #Methodology + #Process = #Results! #PMI #PMBOK #EdTech #ProjectManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.9: Effective #EdTech #ChangeManagement helps to foster #stakeholdertrust and buy-in. #ProjectManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Cultivate your client partnership by enacting methodical #ChangeManagement #ProjectManagement.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
ProjectManagementTwiminar: #ChangeManagement works best when it controls change by transitioning organizations to a desired future state.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Maintain a structured, yet flexible approach to help navigate changes. #organizationalchange #coursecorrect
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.10: Detailed #contract #documentation and frequent status reporting help maintain #EdTech #ProjectControl #projectmanagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: #StatusReports are the lifeblood for ongoing #project #success #projectmanagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagement: Project #monitoring and #control are the #bestpractices for #documenting #projectperformance. #PMI #QualityManagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ProjectManagement: Solid monitoring and controlling processes help identify potential problems so that corrective actions can be taken.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 7, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.11: #Testing #processes are to be put in place early in the #EdTech project, well before #deliverable completion.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: The #testplan identifies the expected #EdTech #outcomes and what needs to be confirmed. #projectmanagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: The #testplan is developed through strong #communications and a deep understanding of the #requirements.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: What are the #stakeholder #goals and #criticalsuccessfactors for the #project? #projectmanagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: #TestPlan. Test early and often! #projectmanagement #test #success
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.12: Successful closing is the main goal of every project, both for your #stakeholders and for your #projectmanagement team.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Assess #StakeholderSatisfaction and maintain a punchlist of #issues to be resolved. #projectmanagement #success
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Closing a #project is an iterative #process that ideally results in success & #lessonslearned #projectmanagement
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ProjectManagementTwiminar: Evaluate your successes and failures, and grow! #projectmanagement #success #growth
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015
#ESPTwiminar6.13: Go to http://t.co/ZrkWKk4nay to get the white paper on #ProjectManagement & http://t.co/0JGzVchlsV to print your badge.
— ESP Solutions Group (@espsg) July 8, 2015